How to start a blog and make money

Are you planning to make money through blogs because in today’s world Making money using a blog is easy because of the digital services provided all around the world at a cheap price.

Nowadays small children used to do blogging because it has the potential to make a handsome amount of money. That’s why children or  teenagers love to login and map good mornings.

Making  money through blogging is not difficult because all you have to do is just get a hosting plan  and your domain and this will act as the pillars in the blogging journey.

Get a Domain

Domain is nothing but a name which is used to represent your blogs. Such as finance wala is a blog name or domain name that is used to represent this website.

Anything that is used to represent a name of your website is called domain and the extension of the domain may be different such as .com .in .org and so on.

The price of the Domain’s extension can vary from extension to another such as the price of domain can be up to 1000 Indian rupees on different Hosting providers such as hostinger GoDaddy and blow host.

Get a hosting plan

Hosting is just like a place where your data will be stored online. Hosting plans can vary based on the requirements of the users such as the basic, premium and standard which cost different from one another.

All you have to do is connect the hosting account with the domain that you own and start updating the articles.

How to make money by Blogging

Once you start to write content on your website the google will provide you ads on your website which you have to apply using Adsense.

Whenever a user comes on your website and watches your content or clicks the ad google will pay you the money and this is how a blogger earns money through their website.

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