Making money as a part time in India is more easy than it was because there are several ways to make money in India there are online platforms that can help you make part time money while you study work or do any other work.
Blogging is considered as the best way to make money online as a part time job because all you have to do is read some good content about the knowledge you process and share it with the online audience. Google will pay you money to show the ads on your articles.
By this way it is generally considered the safest and easiest way to make money. If your article is good and provides quality to the audience then Google will rank it higher in the search results which automatically makes you a lot of money in the future.
Youtube is one of the best ways to make money online with the knowledge you have and if you don’t possess any expertise then you can start blogging where you can make a lot of money.
A lot of people make daily blogs and show their lifestyle to the larger audience online through their YouTube videos. money online users may be interested in their lifestyle Hands They used to watch their creators video.
The platform called YouTube places Ads on their videos which help creator make a handsome money through their videos online.
Content Writing
Content writing is not a joke because a content writer has to think differently from the normal people because they have to provide a hook while writing the content so that the audience who reads the content must be engaged in the article.
Not everyone can write articles because they have to think a lot while providing the data of the latest events and advise them on how to use the data and other things which makes a content writer different from the normal writer.
Online Store
The other way to make great money is to open your online store where you can sell your products such as old books and toys.
If you do not have any product to sell you could simply start Drop shipping which is one of the best ways to make money because you do not need to have a product to sell in state you will be acting as a mediator between the buyer and the seller.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make a lot of money in a short period of time if you have a good amount of followers on social media because when you sell a product to your audience you will get a percentage of commission from the seller.